Pink Lady® Festive Stuffed Apples

20 mins to prepare // 20 mins to cook // Serves 10


  • 30g Butter
  • 1 Large onion, diced
  • 2 Sprigs of rosemary, leaves removed and chopped
  • 6 Sprigs of thyme, leaves picked
  • 2 Cloves of garlic, finely chopped
  • 850g Pork mince
  • 1 Large egg
  • 100g Walnuts, roughly chopped, plus extra for garnish
  • 5-10 Pink Lady® apples (to be stuffed)
  • 1 Pink Lady® apple cut into cubes for the stuffing mix
  • Small bunch Sage leaves, finely chopped
  • 2 Zest of oranges
  • 30g Breadcrumbs
  • Pinch Salt and pepper

Full preparation

  1. In a non-stick frying pan, melt the butter and add the onions, rosemary and thyme. Cook to soften the onions. Just before you take off the heat add the chopped garlic cloves and soften. Empty into a bowl to cool.
  2. In another large bowl add the pork mince and egg. Beat the mixture (best done with hands) to work the egg into the meat, thickening it.
  3. Add the onion mix and one diced Pink Lady® apple to the pork mince and then combine the rest of the ingredients.
  4. Slice the top off five Pink Lady® apples (or more, if you plan to make up to ten to use most of the stuffing). Hollow out the inside of the apples to make space for the stuffing. Stuff the Pink Lady® apples, using roughly 150g of the stuffing mix between five apples.
  5. Pop the lid on the apples and place on a non-stick tray and roast for 20 minutes at 180°C. Once cooked, add a sprig of rosemary into the top of the apple for garnish.